They come in different sizes and formulations suited to specific crops.
Many people think an agricultural production system relying on local weather, soil characteristics, and specific crops has to be studied locally.
This process will not allow pests such as insects and weeds to be set into a rotation with specific crops.
With necessary information, remote farmers can produce specific crops to sell to the buyers that brings the best price.
The method of control is tailored to specific crops and production systems.
You will find a bounty of insights here on growing specific crops.
He also devised the first soil capability classification for specific crops.
Governments also have limited discretion to continue to direct a small proportion of the total subsidy to support specific crops.
Crop rotation plans for the specific crops to be planted one growing season after another.
All over the United States barn designs, such as those discussed above, were developed based upon the individual needs of specific crops or livestock.