Despite the lack of an aiming system and a specific doctrine for tactics, an attack on shipping in Alexandria was quickly organized.
Nor do they support the specific doctrines of biblical inerrancy proposed by young Earth creationism.
They have no written doctrine specific to them, thus rules and rituals may differ depending on under whose influence one has been taught.
Its social implications were, in the long run, revolutionary, but it had no specific doctrines of social change.
He denied the more specific doctrine of original sin as developed by Augustine.
The experience of faith is deeply personal, but in most religions, it must conform to a specific doctrine.
At the other extreme are those who have argued that specific Protestant doctrines gave a direct and positive stimulus to scientific research.
The Court might also consider specific legal doctrines that would promote a similar dialogue in respect to federalism more generally.
Each meeting has given Sudhana a specific doctrine, knowledge and wisdom.
The specific doctrine of the Association is nontrinitarian.