Access to eBooks are limited to a specific duration of time, which is normally about 6 months, depending on the eBook.
The six month time limit can be extended if you are a student or someone undertaking an assignment of a specific duration.
Typically this is controlled by using fast extinguishing xenon strobe light sources that are designed to produce a flash of only a specific duration.
Natural variation could be overlooked because there are no specific duration or severity criteria for diagnosis.
For example, an over-water flight of longer than a specific duration may require the flight plan to include reserve fuel.
We can choose a specific duration of the pulse such that the integral in time over gives and becomes the Swap operator .
The interest rate target is maintained for a specific duration using open market operations.
The sprint is a "timeboxed" effort, i.e. it is restricted to a specific duration.
Exposure is the contact of people and other organisms with an environmental stressor for a specific duration of time...
Each drawing represented a specific beat per minute played for a specific duration.