Also, the proof provides a specific expression for .
Copyrights protect only the specific expression of an idea or information, as in a song or a book.
He will be listening for more specific expressions of Washington's support for this position.
The father earning a living or the mother keeping house could rightly be listed but try listing much more specific, yet practical, expressions of love.
Properties can be either hard coded values or expressions, which are specific expressions that evaluate to a result.
But the theory itself (which is an idea rather than a specific expression) is not copyrightable.
These mountain tribes still distinguish themselves by their specific cultural expression and their skills.
Later he found his own, specific and modern expression.
This principle finds specific expression in the citizens' initiative in Article 11(4).
The specific expression of Modern Orthodoxy, however, takes many forms, and in fact, particularly over the past 30-40 years, describes a political spectrum.