There are regular columns discussing specific facets of business for theater professionals.
Until May, such contracts required the Government to discuss any questions about specific facets of the proposals with the bidders.
Some are policy think tanks while others are involved in specific facets of integration.
It is also virtually devoid of firm judgments, pro or con, about specific facets of American education.
By using specific facets in the survey, respondents are able to provide specific answers about problems that may be unknown to employers.
Similarly, multiple undergraduate student governments sometimes form to address specific facets of university decision-making.
General ranting about platforms aside, that specific facet of his arguments makes a lot of sense.
In the Thai state, feminist activism is pivotal upon class structures, which focus on specific facets of public policy based on a woman's socioeconomic status.
Each style represented a specific facet of Blige's life.
Master's theses and doctoral dissertations on specific facets of Hawaiian appeared in 1951, 1975, 1976, and 1996.