Variability in the percentage of individuals with a specific genotype that express an associated phenotype is called penetrance, and this may simply be evidence of variable penetrance.
The risk was also found to be higher in patients with a specific genotype of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
As with traditional QTL mapping strategies, the general goal in Nested Association Mapping is to correlate a phenotype of interest with specific genotypes.
The first gene discovered was named the Halothane gene, Hal, because researchers noticed that pigs with this specific genotype developed PSE meat after being anesthetized with the halothane drug.
In contrast, in persons with coinfection, only the dosing of RBV is genotype specific.
Agricultural technology surrounding Vitis has been traditionally based upon specific genotypes, which in the main have relied on "vegetative multiplication" and control of growing conditions to improve quality and yield.
If a specific genotype is associated with the development of congestive heart failure, the expressivity would be represented by the range of ejection fractions seen in patients that have that genotype.
In 2004 a specific genotype of human GluR6 was discovered to have a slight influence on the age of onset of Huntington's disease.
There was no way to assign one specific genotype to those children, for they were refugees drawn from several worlds.
Computational Pharmacology is "the study of the effects of genomic data to find links between specific genotypes and diseases and then screening drug data".