Ragweed is actually a specific genus in the sunflower family, and they're a very common allergen for many allergy sufferers.
Halococcus is a specific genus of the family Halobacterium.
The uncertainty about when a taxon first appeared makes it difficult to be confident about the ancestry of specific genera.
In the programme the narrator always calls the creature an Indricothere, not a specific genus.
However they are not complete enough to assign to a specific genus.
Nachtrieb did not assign the name to a specific genus, noting that it was "an undescribed member of the Lemuridae".
There is a absence of a general consensus which species belong to a specific genus or subgenus, contributing to much confusion.
However, the name Bacillus, capitalized and italicized, refers to a specific genus of bacteria.
Dinosaur remains have been recovered from this formation, although none have yet been referred to a specific genus.
Many of the fragments were tiny and could not be assigned to a specific genus.