This leaves people searching for specific influences, much as they tend to do in the far more common case of workplace shootings.
Thus Cuban cuisines developed locally, from the influences and demographics specific to each area.
Although he concurs that those principles have an effect, he is not determinate on their specific influence.
Most analysts, however, fail to see specific American influences in the quartet.
If it's the result of specific influences, what were they?
One of her ideas was that specific female influence in public life was needed.
The parental alienation might be due to specific influences from either parent or could result from the social dynamics of the family as a whole.
Iniciales especially had a specific strong influence by Armand's thought.
Some of those involved would have denied any specific influence, particularly in respect of Hegel.
For the non-specialist, Butler's first chapter, on specific musical influences, will be of most interest.