In the interim, Working Group sessions are held to discuss information, intelligence, related issues and to make or address specific inquiries.
Information officers are available to answer specific inquiries.
Do I have the right to make specific inquiries about the financial status of the co-op and to review the co-op's books?
Q. And did you make any specific inquiry as to the nature of the relationship that she had with the President?
Members of the National Assembly will have only limited opportunities to follow up his answers with more specific inquiries.
When her gratitude gave way to specific inquiry, their overseas connection went bad and he had to hang up.
Spock stared up at her, convinced that was only the preamble to a more specific inquiry.
For specific inquiries, a panel is composed of three to seven members, at least one of whom must be Māori.
More specific methods can be devised for more specific inquiries.
A week later, the examiners began a second, more specific inquiry.