In what other sport are specific milestones constantly recalled, debated and discussed?
And think of ways to reward yourself for reaching specific milestones.
They also had to meet specific milestones in order to maintain access to the present facilities.
And unlike the previous program, we are setting a course with specific and achievable milestones.
In 1990 - before virtually any site work began in Texas - the House passed a bill that set specific milestones and requirements for the supercollider.
There were specific milestones planned for Grand Theft Auto:
The plan was updated in 2011 and has been expanded to 132 initiatives and more than 400 specific milestones for December 31, 2013.
Among many other things, users can include these work items in plans for specific milestones and can link work items to source code.
This Presidential directive, and an earlier one, also designated "lead agencies" to "identify a program plan with goals and specific milestones."
Sandoz said it would pay $5 million, or $23.37 a share, for the stake and $10.5 million for an added stake "upon achievements of specific milestones."