"If the dictators were willing to leave, we'd be willing to discuss the specific modalities of their departure," she said.
A primary concern for cognitive psychologists researching attention is to determine whether directing attention to one specific modality occurs at the expense of others.
Therefore vision was found to be correlated with general memory function in older adults and is not modality specific.
The information stored in SM is modality specific.
Physical therapy interventions for CRPS can include specific modalities such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, progressive weight bearing, tactile desensitization, massage, and contrast bath therapy.
(Unlike a pictorial representation which must be modality specific to the visual sensory mode).
A combination of five specific modalities or Learning Styles affect how a child learns while playing or while watching Sesame Street or jumping rope:
Differing from Spain and Portugal, there is no specific modality of a company destined exclusively to sports clubs in Brazil.
Impressions of tone arise in conjunction with the specific modality of awareness that is operating.
Agnosias are sensory modality specific, usually classified as visual, auditory, or tactile.