Choose specific nouns and verbs instead of piling on adjectives and adverbs (in a world of hype, understatement can have more impact than overstatement).
When the referent is a thing or idea that does not correspond to any specific noun, it is treated as neuter.
They are specific nouns, and their contextual usage matches that of the modern words.
On the other hand, specific nouns were avoided as much as possible in polite Waldahudar, lest disagreements over terminology ensue.
Going by the OED citations, it began to be used with specific nouns in connection with mathematical logic sometime before 1929.
The phrase to the contrary usually modifies or objects to a specific noun just mentioned; on the contrary usually marks a contrast with a whole argument or position that precedes it.
These have the same spatial meaning as the corresponding demonstrative pronouns, but they refer to a general location rather than the location of a specific noun.
No specific nouns and verbs; just concepts that can be adapted to either.
In her raving there was not a single specific noun, but only verbs and pronouns.
In these cases, the erhua serves to label the word as a noun (and sometimes a specific noun among a group of homophones).