If Hayes reaches the specific percentage that has been established in the contract, he can collect $7,500 each time.
The agreement today went an important step further, for it jettisoned the very notion of fixing military spending to a specific percentage.
The Examination is multiple choice, and tests eight content areas all representing a specific percentage of the exam.
The panel proposed a surcharge on the city's property tax to pay for a rebuilding program, but it did not suggest a specific percentage.
Each monster or item had a specific percentage of working.
He said he could not cite a specific percentage because the situation was so uncertain.
Again, the discussion should include specific percentages or dollars.
It makes up about 30% of the stored starch in plants, though the specific percentage varies by species.
Some states hold that only defendants above a specific percentage will share.
The country's long preoccupation with a specific percentage, some defense specialists say, has obscured the more important question of how the money is spent.