Each bar is tuned to a specific pitch of the musical scale.
Air under pressure (referred to as wind) is directed towards the reed, which vibrates at a specific pitch.
A good hitter can look to hammer a specific pitch early in the count, like a fastball.
Composers are known to write for them as tuned instruments, demanding specific pitches.
He sang with evident feeling, but tried to inflate his voice beyond its natural size, which resulted in spread tones of no specific pitch.
Each candidate tried to make a specific pitch to black voters, who make up a significant part of the party's base.
Lofton said it was pointless to look for a specific pitch against Schilling.
This is tuned to a specific pitch and is usually played in a set of three to six drums.
These include poured concrete foundations, a specific pitch on roofs and esthetic characteristics.
The shells have their mouthpieces carefully cut and are tuned to specific pitches.