The specificity of such complex was demonstrated by displacement of radioactivity with unlabeled specific oligo probe.
The only way to retrieve information from a sample is through the use of specific probes known as primers.
In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and in situ hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
Samples were tested at 100 μl per well and were hybridized with fluorescein-labeled probes specific for wild type or internal control sequences.
The 2.7-kbp fragment was also detected with an ARG4 -specific probe (not shown).
So that focus groups were as consistent as possible, specific probes and follow-up questions were included in the script.
To confirm this possibility, in situ hybridization with a probe specific for type II pneumocytes and Clara cells was performed.
If the life turned out to be truly alien, then the probes specific to our biology would be unlikely to work.
The DNA is examined with a designed probe specific to the known mutations.
Moreover this toxin can be utilized as a specific probe of tobacco budworm ion channels.