Second, we can draw on science in terms of risk assessment, specifically assessing the probability that our judgments are correct, and the level of potential error.
Among these, only ALLHAT specifically assessed differences in cardiovascular endpoints resulting from control of hypertension with a peripheral alpha-1 antagonist.
That way the President would have to give Congress an explicit accounting next year of Beijing's human rights record, specifically assessing progress on issues like emigration, political imprisonment and China's use of prison labor in export industries.
These benefits, however, have been apparent in subset analyses of clinical trials, or in observational studies designed to specifically assess their efficacy in saphenous vein graft interventions.
CALGB has been among the leaders in designing studies specifically assess the pharmacology and tolerance of chemotherapy in older patients, barriers to treatment of older patients on clinical trials and therapeutic options for older women with early stage breast cancer.
Secondly, CACI can specifically assess the catchment areas faced by any particular centre or retailer by analysing survey data, credit card data or other sources of customer information.
The Oxford Knee Score (OKS) is a Patient Reported Outcome questionnaire that was developed to specifically assess the patient's perspective of outcome following Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Previous studies may have failed to notice this, he said, because they did not specifically assess how much time had elapsed between the use of estrogen and the development of the cancer.
The F.D.A., which Merck consulted, also agreed that designing a trial to specifically assess Vioxx's cardiovascular risks would have been difficult and, unless constructed to provide benefits to patients, would have been unethical as well.