The contest is specifically engineered to reflect the challenges of life on the road.
The trees were engineered specifically for the site, and were like nothing ever seen on Earth or in the colonies.
To facilitate the rock-climbing experience he developed - in the 1930s - the first rubber-soled, soft shoes specifically engineered for serious rock work.
This also indicated to us that perhaps we were dealing with an entity specifically engineered for long distance travel.
Whatever type of construction you're thinking about, there's a Rockwool product that's specifically engineered for the task.
What if the Sherman's Planet famine and all the ones like it have been specifically engineered?
It looked to me like it was engineered specifically as a bioweapon.
He did not trust the readings, however, since the seal was specifically engineered to thwart lock picking.
Most of the landscape is engineered specifically to kill the player.
A hybrid car is specifically engineered to work at maximum efficiency in a certain environment - but what if the environment changes?