Boldface: But are you specifically marketing it to religious groups?
Few cars have ever been specifically marketed as 2+2s-most often this is to distinguish them from a 2 seat open version of the same model.
American Male is unique in the fact that they market specifically to male clients.
Although it's specifically marketed for use with antiques, there's no end to the kind of property it can tag.
In the early 1990s they began to be widely used, specifically marketed towards drinking water supply lines.
Trying to bank on this trend, some condominium hotels are now marketing specifically to single guys.
In each case, the child had been put to sleep on a foam cushion marketed specifically for infants.
American companies are increasingly marketing specifically to homosexual consumers.
But Preven is the first birth control medication to be marketed specifically for that use.
At least one software package, Loverspy, was specifically marketed for this purpose.