Does the UK have any laws that specifically offer protection to journalists over people in other occupations?
In 2012, the company introduced a Managed Network Services offering specifically for its hotel customers.
The Gallup survey was the only one that specifically offered respondents that choice.
Hanoi has a number of restaurants whose menus specifically offer dishes containing snake and various species of insects.
When buying sunglasses, look for a label that specifically offers 99 to 100 percent UV protection.
Furthermore, the Legislature not only adopted the referees' plan, but itself specifically offered plans that segregated voters by race.
Such an initiative could be implemented by specifically offering free Internet connection and consultancy.
Oak Leaf specifically offers a cheap, reliable way for artists to make professional copies of their music.
In its second year of operation, the Speech Center began to specifically offer services to athletes to practice press interviews and media relations.
Skymaster, let us remember, is a service specifically offered to the General Aviation pilot.