Anyone they didn't recognize or specifically not accompanying you were held back.
Under American law, moral rights are not specifically recognized.
The Court specifically recognized that a corporation's information is its property:
These two awards are made to recognize completion of steps in the professional development program related specifically to aerospace education.
That is, they are specifically recognized by other biomolecules.
O'Brien had seen pictures of old-style guns, but this one he didn't recognize specifically.
Our bill specifically recognizes the role of the military in determining the threat and justifying the need for new weapon systems.
I am pleased that the Fiori report specifically recognises this.
Fear of the number 13 has a specifically recognized phobia, Triskaidekaphobia, a word which was coined in 1911.
Or, it may be possible to rewrite the policy in one of the 14 states specifically recognizing charities' insurable interests.