According to Index Herbariorum, the herbarium houses 5,700 specimens, though the Herbarium's website ( indicates an estimate of some 12,000-15,000 specimens.
The 1997 specimens indicate an individual about 45% longer than the holotype; they were also found in a younger stratum.
One specimen retains a small part of the orbit and indicates that Branisella had small eyes and was diurnal.
Therefore, it is unlikely that Fruitachampsa grew much larger in body size than the specimens indicate.
A single specimen of the flag on or in front of a public office building indicates its official role.
Two specimens from the Tlatilco civilization's homelands (which flourished around 1400 BC) indicate the practice has a lengthy tradition.
Preserved specimens indicate that it was smaller than the other potoroos at around 24 cm long with an 18 cm tail.
The specimen indicates M. gigantea was similar in size to the largest modern leaf hopper species.
A specimen captured in early October indicates there might be a second generation.
The main flight period is from September to October; a single specimen from early May indicates there may be spring flight.