Now he thought he could evict Ky from her ship on specious grounds, present it to Stella as a gift, and...what?
Zamora's removal was made on specious grounds, using a constitutional technicality.
Not only has she continued to refuse, on insultingly specious grounds, to appoint an independent counsel.
Both men said that after they complained repeatedly they were fired on specious grounds.
But an attempt to derail them, on the specious grounds that the proposals are not as perfect as they might be, could amount to one.
They often justify their inaction on specious philosophical or ethical grounds.
The whole European enterprise is now devoted to keeping the euro alive on the utterly specious grounds that the currency is synonymous with "Europe".
Do we want to live in a world were lawyers aren't free to sue people on specious grounds using improper actions and disregarding adverse judgements?
Official intervention in May by the Assembly Transportation Committee forced the state agency to reconsider the proposal, previously rejected on transparently self-serving and specious grounds.
Their administration was fraught with politics, and some artists' cards were revoked on specious grounds.