For an hour or more we frolicked in the pool, startling shoals of small speckled fish like trout, and making the cool green tunnel overhead echo with laughter.
This washer place, her childhood, and she had spent hours lying belly-down beside one stream or another, watching the brilliant red-and-gold amphibs, the speckled fish, the brilliant blue and green butterflies that came to drink.
Though a good half-foot shorter than my friend's, the speckled fish looked particularly pretty in the soft late-afternoon light.
The shore shelved steeply, but even halfway toward the entrance gate to Quindley it was easy to see the speckled fish moving sinuously near the weeds on the lake's bottom.
A group of children crowded around, waiting their turns to touch the flat, brown-and-black speckled fish, each about two and a half inches long.
Sparkling brilliantly, a speckled fish leaped from the lake.
It took him in a jouncing path over boulders that swelled up from the muddy waters like enormous speckled white fish.
(The large brown, speckled fish flopped onto the deck, and Dr. Safina grabbed a yardstick to see if it topped the 18-inch limit.)
I walked, alone, over bright orange bridges, across ponds teeming with orange and speckled fish, and reached the Chrysanthemum Moon Teahouse as it was opening.