The pile ignited into a spectacular blaze.
The whole operation is destroyed in a spectacular blaze.
Less than six months later the issue became moot when the older part of the school was destroyed by a spectacular blaze (May 1952).
The flames erupted into a spectacular 10-alarm blaze that burned for days.
The studio bosses did not understand his remark but, experienced with inflammable film stock, conceded such an event would provide a spectacular blaze.
You'd have to say I've burned my bridges in a most spectacular blaze.
Death is final and eternal, whether it comes slowly, from natural causes, or swiftly, in a spectacular blaze of glory.
The spectacular blaze brought evening rush-hour traffic to a crawl as pedestrians and motorists stopped to look.
The spectacular blaze destroyed the interior of the school but left the remains of the exterior walls standing.
But around 4 P.M. the refinery erupted in a spectacular new blaze, and near midnight tonight, it was still going strong.