A spectacular exhibition of a karate tamashiwara breaking technique.
A spectacular diving exhibition ensued, as the duck dived the dog dived to pursue.
Architects, historians, and a team of artists worked nearly 3 years to create this spectacular and unprecedented exhibition.
Almost at once the sky became a backcloth for a spectacular pyrotechnic exhibition of lightning.
Finally, Wade said: "I think we'll stand a much better chance if we show them a big, spectacular exhibition; something really impressive.
With the museum in North Adams, the Guggenheim can mount huge, spectacular exhibitions, and it can expand its permanent collection.
Although ill, Ueshiba gave a spectacular exhibition, which greatly impressed the nobility.
Their architecture creates a backdrop for spectacular major international exhibitions.
The show opened with a spectacular exhibition by Contact Press Images showing iconic images taken over the last thirty years.
Two of the year's most spectacular exhibitions are on view, side by side, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.