Behind this spectacular façade of temperamental talent the real architects of the Colony had laid their plans.
The grandiose appearance of the castle makes Henry feel like there is something unrealistic and inauthentic about the spectacular façade of the castle.
It is here that the design can best be appreciated, since the more spectacular facades of the building face the water.
Also of this period is the spectacular façade of Peterborough, and the less grand but harmonious façade of Ripon.
It had a nice but not spectacular French Renaissance-style facade (now mutilated) and an interior of elaborately modeled plasterwork, with repeated figures of an eagle over a Liberty Bell.
The new project replaced the north wing, completing the original U-shaped layout with a 30-metre high prismatic volume, presenting a spectacular glazed façade that projects into the courtyard at the top.
Hailing a gondola at the quais, I traveled the canals for hours looking up at the spectacular facades which made up the waterways of Venice.
Dominating the skyline is the 1920s-era Telefónica building, while the boulevard's southeastern end boasts the most spectacular façades, none more so than the stunning, French-designed Edificio Metrópolis (1905).
Karaindaš' own eleven-line Sumerian inscriptions adorn bricks from the Temple dedicated to the goddess Inanna, in Uruk, where he commissioned the spectacular façade pictured.
Artful lodgings in the 16th arrondissement, where a spectacular classical façade conceals incroyable contemporary cool, with Christophe Pillet-designed furniture.