We may sit for several hours in the pack ice, taking in our spectacular surroundings and seeing a Ross gull, before we turn south again.
With its red sandstone façade and overall rustic architectural style, the chamber was designed to harmonize with its spectacular natural surroundings.
Enjoy guided walks in the mountains or relax in the spectacular surroundings.
The pall that had fallen over the bayou mansion and its spectacular surroundings was as heavy as the humidity and almost as oppressive.
Despite our spectacular surroundings it was those people who made our trek the memorable experience it was.
The rest of the time you were all set up by the pool, with maid service, a cook, if you wanted one, and spectacular surroundings.
Ramsbottom is described as a "thriving market town in spectacular surroundings".
In the end, though, good snow and spectacular surroundings are what most skiers want.
The Hendricksons had ended up at Half Moon Bay because the oldest son, Ken, 25, was determined to play in the spectacular surroundings.
Martha suggests we try "meditative walking" - gently "massaging" or "kissing" the earth with our feet and focusing our senses on the spectacular surroundings while breathing deeply.