No moon, no cloud, no movement in the clear, calm, starlit sky; while still the ghastly light stretched round me, and the spectral shadows drifted across the room.
The ravine where the castle was situated was a muddle of spectral shadows.
She-Devil of the Confederacy November 28, 1864 The evening was clear, with a full moon, and the ship cast a spectral shadow over the water.
His history creates a spectral shadow, upon which he can be called to provide help for Dan.
Lightning danced overhead, somewhere in the clouds, casting odd light and spectral shadows through the roiling overcast.
The moonlight cast spectral shadows on the small clearing where Belash waited and Morak shivered.
Her eyes were already tearing up as she turned toward the corridor: Frederick Wolfe was already there, a spectral shadow in the doorway.
Abe maneuvered his heavy girth around the table to get a closer view of the spectral shadows cast by cranium and facial bones.
The movement threw spectral shadows across his cragged features.
What spectral shadow of dread hovered above this brilliant scene of high feasting and voluptuous revelry?