Ham radio can be fun, sure, but I agree it should be at the very bottom of the list as far as spectrum allocation goes.
Australia needs to align spectrum allocations with major developed countries because she is a technology taker.
Hong Kong's recent approach was to share in the profit from a spectrum allocation rather than issue a potentially damaging upfront payment for licences.
What was utopian in city planning turns out to be eminently and imminently practical in spectrum allocation.
This approach advocates that the regulators be the centralized authorities for spectrum allocation and usage decisions.
And if we can do that, ultimately the market will be the judge of appropriate spectrum allocation.
The reduction from 5 to 3 enable mobile TV and broadband to get more spectrum allocation.
The reason for this moratorium was the necessity to adopt a new plan of spectrum allocation for digital television broadcasting.
The point is that spectrum allocation can take new forms.
The F.C.C. will then decide how to handle spectrum allocation.