Its broad spectrum of degree programs includes the fields of engineering, economics, commercial sciences, business administration, education, nursing, and law.
According to the manufacturer's specifications, the spectra of the fluorescent lamps included bands at 370 and 450 nm.
The spectrum includes eating disorders, alcoholism, learning disorders and hyperactivity.
The infrared spectrum includes vibrations at 275, 404, 442, 698, 951 and 983 cm.
A full spectrum would include some more forward-looking poets.
The clinical spectrum of the disorder includes encephalocele, craniorachischisis, and anencephaly.
The broad spectrum of uses for planes includes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, and research.
The orchestra's chief strength is its string section, whose broad spectrum of tone includes delicate shades between piano and pianissimo.
This broad spectrum of European funding tasks also includes foreign policy.
The spectrum of dress included traditional lightweight summer business suits and classic seersucker suits.