Mulliken observed that on adding alkyl groups to alkenes the spectra shifted to longer wavelengths.
G.O.P. Intramurals The race for assistant Republican leader of the Senate shows how the political spectrum has shifted to the right.
The spectrum shifted toward deep reds and purples and small violet flames leaped outward.
An effort of will, and the spectrum of that nearby star shifted toward the blue, by precisely the amount he wished.
The spectrum has shifted, and Mr. Nader cannot jerk it back by demolishing Democratic chances.
Already there are strong relativistic effects: the stars shifted out of their usual positions, and their spectra shifted into the blue.
Additionally, the spectrum of lung cancer type has shifted during the last two decades.
Vogel found that the spectra of certain stars shifted slightly over time, moving toward the red and then later toward the blue.
A retrospective analysis of the 130-year history of baseball shows that the defensive spectrum has shifted only once.
The spectra had shifted beyond reason.