The dollar gained ground yesterday in worldwide foreign exchange trading as speculation rose that United States interest rates would be holding steady for the time being.
All last week, speculation rose that "a grand European bargain" is coming.
There are indications that speculation is rising.
What large speculations rise before him who walks abroad in Beulah!
After officials from the various investigating agencies met in Trenton yesterday, speculation rose that the barge may have been purposely destroyed.
As such, much speculation has risen regarding the release of this album.
But the level of greed and speculation rose to such heights the bubble finally burst.
But if it does not, speculation may rise again that the American dollar should weaken further in order to reduce imports and stimulate exports.
Over the last several months speculation has risen that he will indeed run.
If speculation ever rises that the dollar peg might be in jeopardy, the rush of local companies to buy dollars could force devaluation.