Financing for speculative construction, they add, is still tight and will keep such projects to a modest size.
A low occupancy rate means that the market is in a state of oversupply brought about by speculative construction and purchase.
A. There was a lot of speculative construction back then that hadn't been absorbed.
But I think speculative construction is 21 months away.
Most people in the real estate industry believe that two conditions must exist before speculative construction is viable.
Almost four million square feet of speculative construction was completed at 8A in 2001 and 2002.
Local developers say these relatively depressed figures are the reason for so little speculative construction is taking place.
For much of the 90's, speculative construction essentially ceased.
But new speculative construction has yet to start beyond site preparations.
The activity is redefining the term speculative construction, brokers and analysts said.