- Intentional Inflation has relation with inflation money which represents returns from non-productive activities in form of taxes, interests, speculative profits and illegal earnings.
The payoff is forever and for everyone, including the would-be habitants of the property and the developers, who lose little or nothing but speculative profits.
He was crafting with his clumsy hands manuals, grammars, anthologies, dictionaries for speculative profit.
He fought against the speculators interested in speculative profits, and built a vision of an integrated transportation system.
It was also addictive, since the speculative profits of trade and capital creation were quite large.
Throughout Baring's lifetime his good commercial intelligence, sound judgement, nimble-footedness, and instinct for speculative profit remained the hallmarks of his business style.
Trial lawyer and New Jersey native Arther Goldberg attempted to gain control of the remains, interested in speculative profits.
One of the energy wholesalers that became notorious for "gaming the market" and reaping huge speculative profits was Enron Corporation.
Not small savers, but companies with their high speculative profits should be asked to foot the bill.
So all the hot money has recently shifted into commodities in search of speculative profits in a sectoral bubble.