Louis gives a speech extolling its virtues of productivity.
Mayor Gonzales launched into a speech extolling the virtues of California's famed "Silicon Valley" in general and San Jose in particular.
After the dancing, as the girls shivered on a chilly, overcast afternoon, the King gave a long, sometimes laughter-provoking speech extolling traditional values.
His speeches extolling the utopian possibilities of communism, although also describing the mistakes he saw, drew attention from Chiang Kai-sheks's police.
'If you do not respect your race', said Philip Mitchell in a speech extolling Indirect Rule in Uganda, 'you cannot really respect yourself.'
The Afghan envoy at Angora gives a banquet in honour of Fakhri Pasha, who is leaving for Kabul, at which speeches extolling Islamic union are made.
The opening scene finds Dr. Sengupta at home with his wife, going over a speech extolling 20 years of medical progress that he plans to deliver at a Rotarian convention in a nearby city.
The chairman of Consolidated Widgets makes eloquent speeches extolling the virtues of the liberal arts, but somehow the message never gets through to the campus recruiter.
THESE days, politicians and activists of all stripes are scrambling to deliver speeches extolling the goodness and greatness of marriage.
Lord Macaulay delivered a speech extolling "the loveliness and intelligence of Leeds".