The free speech fight had officially begun.
There were 50 members of local 13 in 1912, but roughly 5,000 Wobblies came to San Diego to participate in the free speech fight.
The success of their Free speech fights of 1909 led to its widespread popularity.
In 1909, Walsh led a free speech fight in Spokane, Washington.
Typical IWW tactics in the West were soap boxing and, where they found it necessary, the free speech fight.
More generally, a free speech fight is any incident in which a group is involved in a conflict over its speech.
The victory for the free speech fight came on March 4.
The IWW won all of these free speech fights.
In early 1913, IWW members in Denver, Colorado fought a lengthy free speech fight.
When religious organizations obtained an exemption from the ordinance, the IWW initiated a free speech fight.