The League attempted to take a legal stand against the free speech restrictions by holding up the Constitution and defending the rights of non-property owning peoples.
After the passage of free speech restrictions, the Wobblies and other groups began testing the ordinance.
Mr. Wilson had originally said he would not address the convention because he objected to speech restrictions by its organizers.
Justice Sears saw this as a "content-based" speech restriction that could have no legitimate purpose because sodomy itself is legal.
Cable television does not require this underwriting use as there are no speech restrictions permitted by cable law.
"However, when states adopt speech restrictions as their method, courts must subject their efforts to closer scrutiny."
The porous nature of borders in the modern world makes such speech restrictions seem quaint, if not unconstitutional.
Actions like the government's detention of immigrants and speech restrictions on protest groups have led to legal challenges nationally, as well as in New Jersey.
"This is like what free speech rights were in 1930, when the Supreme Court first started to strike down speech restrictions," he said.
Only "outsiders," she argues, can comprehend the hurt that occurs and thus the need for speech restriction.