Weed stumbled to the side of the road and grabbed a speed-limit sign to steady himself.
A speed-limit sign had impaled an apple tree, as if thrown like a spear.
But there are no other plans to change the coloring, for instance, for stop signs or speed-limit signs.
Meanwhile, officials said that 1,100 new speed-limit signs would dot the city by the end of the month.
A woman on Park Street wanted more speed-limit signs.
The loop was not signed with speed-limit signs, making the tickets unenforceable.
Any state where you can't see a house or even a tree, in any direction, and they nail cats to speed-limit signs.
David looked across the Street and saw a dead cat-a cougar-hanging from a speed-limit sign.
It's almost like changing the speed-limit sign after you've passed.
So do speed-limit signs, not that they are necessary.