In 1998 the 42nd Street company also launched The Beast, a speedboat ride which takes tourists around the Statue of Liberty and goes 45 mph.
The Beast, a 30-minute speedboat ride around lower Manhattan.
Regan, of all people to be recommending lake cruises, after the way he'd balked at a speedboat ride with Skip Hagathorn.
"The Beast," 30-minute speedboat ride in the harbor, daily, every hour on the hour, 11 a.m. to dusk, except Wednesdays, when it is 2 p.m. to dusk.
The resort offers dives, snorkeling, speedboat rides, water scooters, temperature controlled swimming pool and Jacuzzi.
Ketapang can also be reached via ship from Pontianak (a six-hour speedboat ride, departing Pontianak daily at 6am).
This exhilarating speedboat ride takes you out onto Lake Michigan for the ride of a lifetime.
And when I'm finished, perhaps you'll take me up on my original offer of a speedboat ride.
The Beast, a 30-minute speedboat ride.
It is a 40 minute speedboat ride from the port of Semporna.