BPXC and its contractors will look into ways of informing the community in a speedy and efficient manner about the company's employment and supply needs.
The expedient which will raise most money is almost always preferred to that which is likely to bring about in the speediest manner the liberation of the public revenue.
In criminal matters, magistrates' courts (formerly known as a police courts) in England and Wales have been organized to deal with minor offences in a speedy manner.
I have proposed a workable and just solution that will allow home care positions, for which there is a demonstrable shortage of American workers, to be filled by qualified aliens in a speedy manner.
His superiors said there were none; ships would be detached from other posts and sent to conduct the evacuation in the speediest and most efficient manner available resources would allow.
The violators have to be dealt with effectively and in a speedy manner.
But under pressure from some institutional shareholders, a handful of major companies are disclosing the information, albeit not always in the speediest possible manner.
If you distinguished delegates do not complete the task of framing a constitution in a speedy and efficient manner, this entire colony is going to start coming down around all our ears.
If a community behaves in such a way that it really implements the results of this election, and in the speediest possible manner, the we must give it the means towards to reconstruction.
I wish she would speak more slowly as I am unaccustomed to recording in this speedy manner.