Even so, the White House pressed for a speedy review.
That could mean speedier reviews, but in the short run lead to an exodus of top regulators from the agency.
In the shake-up announced Monday, the agency's countersubversion branch is to be disbanded and its caseload reduced by a speedy review of its files.
Most cases could wait, but some might call for speedy judicial review on high.
(President Clinton asked a Federal bioethics commission for a speedy review of the implications of mammalian cloning.)
But Mr. Dole said he wanted a speedier review.
The new flag-burning law will receive a speedy review by the Supreme Court.
Democratic leaders say that it can, and say in any event that the Court can be asked for a speedy review.
Because the Mount Laurel decisions require speedy review, a judge ordered the Township Planning Board to issue the needed approvals last month.
To make a speedy review possible, high-definition signals from all cameras are sent by fiber optic cables to the replay booth.