The Port Authority will select the winning proposal in two weeks and develop a plan by July, a speedy timetable that has drawn criticism from some who say it does not leave enough time to create an imaginative design.
It was almost inevitable that Sunni politicians would openly rebel against the speedy timetable for elections, which was essentially dictated by the ayatollah last year.
Mr. Annan has made it clear that while he favors a speedy timetable for giving authority to Iraqis, he is unwilling to commit the United Nations to an ill-defined mission.
A speedier timetable for restoring democracy is urgently needed.
Such a speedy timetable was due to the belief that Brazil's relatively new environmental regulations could not stop large projects.
The judge, CHARLES H. SOLOMON, did not agree to such a speedy timetable.
The government wants lawyers for Elian's relatives in Miami to agree to a speedy timetable for any appeal of the ruling, but the lawyers have balked.
An agreement offering not even the most minimal guarantee that the other parties would abandon the use of leghold traps within a speedy and specific timetable is not one that should even be put forward for serious consideration.
Several truckers said that the speedy timetable was routine.
The Florida Supreme Court ordered that all votes be counted with a speedy timetable," he said, "and the Supreme Court ought to have a very good reason to overturn that logic.