The spells required by the Blood-oath Celebration exacted a heavy toll from me.
A moment later, armed with the circlet, he began to recite a shape change spell, his movements perfect and graceful, just as the spell required.
She placed the knife before her, as the spell required, and it seemed almost to disappear in the gloom.
Invoking the magic of the moonstones caused more or less suffering, depending upon the strength of the spell required.
The spell required to fix him in this situation had done it, for even the most trifling Demon magic was stronger than that of all the lesser creatures combined.
But master,' I began hesitantly, 'will I be able to learn the spells required?
Bane had never ac- tually played that one, because of the number of form- changing spells required; a single game would have ex- hausted his spells for months.
The spells required are half outside the normal universe ... I did succeed!
She took a deep breath, raised her wand over her head, and cast- This spell, too, required no finesse.
Some spells required very little to activate them.