Traditionally it would have been spelled without the 'h', but with a dot over the 'c', either of which indicate an aspirant.
It has also been spelled over time as Matapediach, Matapeguia, Matapediac, Matakpediack, Madapeguia, or Matapediac.
Cliveden has been spelled differently over the centuries, some of the variations being Cliffden, Clifden, Cliefden and Clyveden.
The name has been spelled a number of other ways over the city's history including Tetzcuco, Tezcoco and Tezcuco.
The surname 'Bunyan' has been found spelled over thirty-four different ways: Binyan, Buniun, Bonyon, Buignon, being the most common - Bunyan being the most recent.
Although the house and the park are known by the name "Bramall", both have been spelled as "Bramhall", "Bramal" and other variations over the years.
The French title has been spelled slightly differently over the years.
It has been spelled in various ways over time, including Semenac, Scamanac, Scaumenac, Escouminac, Scoumenac, and Scouminac.
The resin smell of crushed grass spelled over them.
It has been spelled a number of different ways over time, Boondi, Bundi, Bundye.