I think they have to spend about ninety percent of their time in solid form.
They spent about 33 percent less time in the hospital, had lower blood pressure and missed half as many workdays.
He said the company planned to spend about $24 million, or 60 percent of its research and development budget, on microwave products.
This year the company will spend about $390 million, or 12 percent of expected sales of $2.8 billion, on research and development.
We currently spend about six percent of the federal budget paying interest on the national debt.
Japan, however, has led the pack since 1977 and does so while spending only about 6.5 percent of its gross national product on health care.
"We want to spend about 14 percent of it and give the other 6 percent back to the American people."
He spent about 75 percent of last season with Milwaukee.
Now, the poor districts spend about 84 percent, he said.
Even today, he spends about 75 percent of his time on the road.