The Twins spent much of the season in second place behind the White Sox, along with 54 days in the lead.
He spent time in Paris in the early 1920s, along with the more famous members of the Lost Generation.
The farmer caught her and sent her to an orphanage, where she spent the rest of her childhood, along with Hannah.
Rugova spent the first few weeks of the war under virtual house arrest, along with his family, in Pristina.
They spent Christmas 2009 in Barbados, along with three of Law's children.
Daytwon, an infant then, spent the next three years in a foster family along with his brother, Damian.
He spent his youth in a rural setting along with a blue-collar, working mother, two significantly older brothers and an absent father.
He spent his teenage years as an art student and soda jerk, along with other odd jobs.
The Yankees perennially have the largest payroll, prompting their competitors to spend along with them.
I personally spent time in Washington, along with other key executives, to help educate a lot of the lawmakers.