As the author and his wife began to spend time at the site, they realized they wanted to include living quarters in the building.
The expedition spent two days at the site, drying out their instruments and papers.
With Mick out of commission for the next few days, he'd have to spend more time at the site.
Half of those people spent 45 minutes at the site filling out a survey.
In the three months that the pre-launch mini sites were live, over 180,000 visitors spent an average of 11 minutes at the site.
Those customers spent 50 percent more at the site than customers who did not receive the catalog.
While credit is given to Marquina, he spent little time at the site.
And, after spending a few days at the site, she said that the work had grown on her.
They spent less than two minutes at the site.
The writer spent several days at the site.