Detectives found several dozen spent cartridges, and tracker dogs followed a scent from the site to a spot outside the nearby Albanian village of Poqeste.
Police investigators found six spent cartridges at the scene, she said.
The road was devoid of movement now, decorated with blood, prostrate forms, and spent cartridges.
Then Rainie helped collect more than fifty-five spent cartridges from a shooting that had left three dead, six injured, and an entire town devastated.
His own legally registered revolver held five spent cartridges, but his lawyers insisted the murder was committed by a fugitive third man, never located.
The loading-gate is opened and the ejector rod is pulled back to eject either spent casings or unused cartridges.
We'd found shells and spent cartridges.
A revolver, which had five spent cartridges, was beside him.
He opened his gun and took out the three spent cartridges and reloaded with bullets from his pocket.
After they sat down at the table, Martin took two spent cartridges from his pocket and placed them on the table.