That followed the court-ordered release of 18 other protesters who had spent two weeks in jail on charges of subversion and conspiracy.
He spent several years in jail on charges of corruption.
After the war, Dörmer spent another eight years in prison on various charges.
He has spent more than 7 of the last 10 years in state prisons on charges ranging from drug dealing to assaulting a prison guard.
Morito spent three months in jail on charges of treason.
Long spent the next day in police custody on charges of attempted assault, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.
He spent four years in prison on charges of "subversive activity against the Republic" (1970-1972 and 1974-1976).
He has spent time in detention on charges of murder during a long and colorful life.
Afterwards, he spent more time in and out of prison on various criminal charges.
Sanchez has spent almost 9 of the last 10 years in prison on political charges.