The two young people had spent a lot of time earlier looking all around as if they thought they were being followed.
We had spent Christmas week on Ouessant 25 years earlier, a visit made blissful mainly by the absence of automobiles.
Kolbayev may have spent time in a Kyrgyz prison earlier in his life, however.
Lodzinski had reported to authorities that she and her son had spent time at Holmdel Park earlier in the day.
Maybe he had spent a lot of time in medical records earlier that week.
Both of the boys were from Russia, a nation where Ingraham had spent considerable time earlier.
"This is a very early stage of the campaign," said Mr. Major, who had earlier spent 15 minutes on the telephone with President Bush.
Reginald Bell even maintained that it was the most exciting day he had spent since settlement in the Gobi ten years earlier.
He returned to the village of Kawaihae, where he had spent some time earlier.
That is nearly double the amount spent on legislative campaigns in the comparable election four years earlier.